Monday, August 15, 2011

A Stranger in a Strange Land

That's me: A Stranger in a Strange Land. Life has thrown me around quite a bit lately. It's very painful and hard to understand sometimes. When I was growing up I believed that there would be the one and only man who would ride into my life on a beautiful white stallion and we would fall deeply and passionately in love, and that my world would forever be happy and perfect. Well, there is no such thing as "happy" and no such thing as "Perfect" that lasts forever.  I look back on the last 7 months and in that time my life has totally been changed forever. Is this the first time that this has happened to me? Absolutely not. I have come to believe that the only happiness we can count on is the one that we create for ourselves and are living at this very moment, not the one before it or even the one after it, just this singular time in existence. 

The stranger is ME. The strange land is SEATTLE. With the GPS telling me where to go I do a pretty good job of "getting there". I'm a people-watcher and there are few places with the mix that Seattle has. As I write this I think that Alaska must be getting colder, and lots of rain or maybe even feeling like snow. Here it is still beautiful and has been since I arrived! No coat weather....ahhhhh.

So I decided today that I would restart my blog...which I have shamelessly pushed aside. One of the reasons is that I want to share my trip to Europe with my two daughters, with all of you. So there is no place better to do that than here on my blog, don't you think? 

I really hope you value each day as the ONLY  day you have, and that if you are granted the time here tomorrow that you not waste any of it being sad or negative or unhappy. There is too much of those things going on in the world without adding to it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


  1. Your big trip is getting close! Can't wait to hear about it and see photos! And, Seattle? Why, that's not all that far away from where I reside. I predict our future will include a face-to-face one day ... soon!

  2. DAMN glad i like "strange"! Love you and am so predicting that the journey you are on will find you passion and perfect!!!

    Love you Janie Girl! Have a fun, safe trip--- talk with you when you get back!

  3. I'm glad you're writing again, and I can't wait to read about your adventures! Remember always to love yourself. That's the most important love of all. :D
