Thursday, May 19, 2011

As The World Turns

I am sitting in my favorite place looking out our picture window. I always do this, especially in the mornings and THIS morning what do I see? I see Birch trees, as always, but THIS morning I see GREEN on the trees!!!! That can only mean one thing....Summer is just around the corner. 

Roses my Love gave me for my birthday!
In Fairbanks we have a long cold and DARK winter, hardly any daylight. Then, when spring hits the daylight starts coming back and gets longer, and longer, and longer!! We do have blackout blinds in the bedroom so we can sleep better. I am not really sure what time it gets "dark" now because I have gone to bed as late as 11 pm and it has still been daylight. I've been up at 3 am and it has been daylight. I was really surprised at this phenomenon when I first came to Fairbanks, but now I rather look forward to the daylight.

In winter, we eat dinner about 5 pm and want to go to bed by 7 pm. When the daylight comes back, we eat about 7 or 8 pm and go to bed when we need to in order to be able to get up the next morning! 

I am so thankful to live in a place where the long hours of daylight create a beautiful forest of green and all the weeds and flowers outdoors grown all the time for our enjoyment. We probably won't live in Fairbanks the rest of our lives, and I'm sure that I will miss the long daylight hours.

Feeling well enough to cook a nice breakfast for my Love.

Getting ready for a show on Tuesday night so none to share today....maybe tomorrow! 

I hope your day is filled with daylight and green growing things!!


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