Saturday, May 7, 2011

"First Friday" Art Show and My Mother

Well, it's all over but the shouting! My first "First Friday Art Show" was last night at an upscale menswear store last night from 5-8 pm. Let me say that the owner, Sarah, was so awesome...letting me put nails in her walls, move her clothing around, and practically take over her store. I am more than surprised to report that the show was a great success with several sales and even a commission to do!!! I am more than thrilled and have lots of friends who came and supported me.


Red on a red wall....looked so awesome!

Shirts and Tangles

My daughter's favorite. It just might appear on her cell phone as the cover......hummmm

Brown on very FIRST sale!!


So, the work keeps progressing for my next show...maybe next month but definitely the month after. 


My mother's birthday was Thursday, May 5. If she was still with us she would have been 93 years old. She lived with me the last 5 years of her life. She was funny, loved to knit, and cooked up a storm (all high fat but so delicious). She made cream puffs from scratch and homemade soup to die for. We laughed a lot....went shopping together, and once when we were coming in the door to the house she and I were loaded down with packages and she was in front of me and tripped over her own foot and fell onto the carpet laughing, and I fell over her onto the carpet and we laid there for at least 5 minutes just laughing and laughing until tears were running down my face!! She loved to go see her friend, Rogna, in Michigan and the would go gambling. She just loved it. She worked very hard most of her life but the last five years she wasn't expected to do anything so the things she did were done because she wanted to and because she loved doing them. The night she died, I had the privilege of washing her face and combing her hair before putting her to bed. I kissed her and told her I loved her. She said she loved me and those were the last words exchanged between us. She passed sometime in the night. I am so thankful for those memories of her during the that 5 years. We became women friends. How wonderful is that?

Having the love of my wonderful husband and children/children-in-law.

These are some small ones I am working on but they still need to be shaded. I'll show them to you again when they are framed because it will be really fun!!

Pink on white

Purple on white

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers who read my blog.



  1. OH, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU THAT YOU SOLD SOME PIECES!!! I'm not really surprised ... they are really good, Jane. I have to say I really like this purple on white you posted. It's really bold and clean! It sort of reminds me of a sailboat but also could be a sort of butterfly. It's really different than the other work you've put up. I can hardly wait to have time to tangle when I get back from vacation. So many things to do, so little time. I'll bet your mom was a hoot! I can see you got your great sense of humor from her. love, susan

  2. P.S. What kind of work will you do for the commission? That sounds interesting ....

  3. So happy for you that this venue turned out to be so much better than the last. Wow is not enough of a word to pay that tribute!! And a commission work as well.
    Thank you for sharing that wonderful moment you had with mom. Priceless and enduring for sure. I am sure you saw all the comments left by those we know with the picture I posted of her. Her life and how she lived lives on in us, and our loved ones get those 'mom vibes' from you and I as well.
    Happy mothers day, Sis!
