Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Little Glimpse of Where I Live

I live outside of the town of Fairbanks, Alaska. We have a branch post office about 8 or 10 miles from our house where I have to pick up packages, where I usually mail packages, and buy stamps. It is really just a small place and I should have taken a picture of it today. 

What I DID take pictures of are some cabins that I drive by on the road that leads to the post office. If you have ever seen a pot hole then you will understand when I say the whole road IS a pot hole!!! It is terrible both summer and winter. Along this terrible road just before the turn to the post office is a line of old log cabins. They are called "dry cabins" because they have no water. I think they have wood stoves in them too. Out behind these cabins is a small lumber mill....when I say small I mean about a half of a block in size. They probably sell the wood there to the cabin dwellers. Anyway, most of the cabins have sod on the roofs and have looked the same for the last 25 years!! I just thought they might be interesting to share with you.

Line of cabins by the post office.

One of the cabins close up.

Looking at the line of cabins from the opposite direction
On my way home from the post office I happened to look up and saw.....what for it.....buds on a few trees!!!!! You know what that means? It means it's really spring!! We do still have snow here and there and it actually snowed a little yesterday but it's definite now....spring is on the way!. I am sooooo happy. No more icy roads!!

Getting out in the sunshine for a while and getting things finished up for my art showing on Friday evening.

Sorry! You have to come to the show to see the newest ones!!

I hope you day tomorrow is full of wonder and excitement and dreams coming true. Tomorrow I set up for the art show on Friday. My youngest daughter will help me and I'm so excited!!


1 comment:

  1. What nice snapshots of life in Alaska. The thing I remember most when I moved out of Alaska is that people in the lower '48 keep their cars much cleaner than us Alaskans. I don't remember ever once going to a car wash in Fairbanks but it's common-place to do that here. I don't miss the bad roads. Have fun at your show this weekend. Hope you meet new people! I'll be on the road starting Sunday so won't be posting for a while unless I get near a 'puter. love, susan
