Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My "Place"

I just bet that you have a special place where you sit/rest/read/nap, etc. I do. I call it my "Place", but actually it is a recliner I bought my first husband for Father's Day one year *many* years ago. It is a beige color and very comfortable. I especially like it because I can sit with my legs elevated off the floor which is very helpful for my back pain.

My "Place"
My "Place" is in the living room and there is a nice window looking out over the front walk and driveway just behind my left shoulder when I'm sitting in my "Place". To the right of me is a table I had built especially for my cookbooks about 40 years ago. It has heart shapes cut out of the wood and I love the design (since I designed it, I guess. LOL) It has two shelves plus the top. The top usually contains a mixture of papers or drawings, my little computer, and pens, Kleenex, a hairbrush, and the ever-present something to drink.

40 Year Old Table with all my "stuff"! What would we do without  STUFF????
The second shelf holds our printer/copier, extra ink for said copier, the cord for my camera and my cell phone, and other papers.

The bottom shelf holds extra paper for the printer/copier and some boxes with software in them.

On the floor to my right is a plastic container holding magazines and books that I plan to read and behind that is my every present hot pad. Oh, yeah, there is also a drawing tablet behind that.

To my right, behind the table, is a floor lamp that also has a high intensity reading light that is great when I'm drawing while in my "Place", which is often. Attached to the lamp is a fan too.....so you can see I have ALL the comforts of home here in my "Place".

I would love to hear about YOUR "Place"....because I know everyone has such a place. I believe that some therapists might even think this is your "Safe Place". It isn't what I would consider MY "Safe Place".  Now that's an idea for another slow blog day. 

Taking a nap in the middle of the day.

Am working on a series of 5 small pieces that will fit in a black frame that has these areas split up...hoping to have it finished for my Art Show on Friday.

Black pen and ink on Cream colored paper. Sorry my photo isn't very good today! :(
I hope you have a wonderful day!


  1. I have a "my space" but lack "my time"!!

  2. P.S. I totally love the heart tangle!!! Oh, it's my favorite!!

  3. Thank you, Susan, I kind of like it too. It needs some shading before I get it into the frame.
