Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Animals Both Large and Small

Ever hear the saying, "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie"? Well, I'm starting out my blog this morning with a photo or our beloved Gracie. She is an Australian Shepherd and the love of our lives, our "little girl", our Princess. She has taken up ownership of the couch and her Master's chair. The couch is for sleeping...full out sleeping,...while his chair is for napping during the day when he isn't here. Last night I finally got this picture of her. Yes, she sleeps with her head on a pillow or her whole body on two pillows....hence, the name Princess.

Sunday we went to see our friends that we got Gracie from because they had another litter of Aussies that were just being readied to go to their new homes and this picture is of one of the little cuties.

This picture is of Pippin who we puppy-sat last year while her "mommy" Taylor (also shown here) went to Hawaii. Pippin was 8 weeks old if you recall and she sure has grown!! It seemed like she remembered us and when we got ready to go out the door, she was sitting by the door like she was going too. So cute!!

Then the other night Alan said, "Look!" pointing out the kitchen window. Our window looks up on a slight hill outside our house to the road. There stood these two most amazing moose!! As long as I live in Alaska I will always be in awe of their size. They are so huge!! Anyway, I did get a couple of good shots so here they are. 


The best moment of today was waking up from a full night of sleep! For me it is so rare and I feel so much better when I actually get some sleep!! 


I don't know if I have shown these before or not. Anyway, I hope you enjoy them. I have worked on the originals so that there is a lot of color blending and so forth.


Bright Pink Ink

Red Ink


Reworked Bright Pink Zentangle

Reworked Red Zentangle
Have a wonderful day,



  1. Ah ... so cute! I thought for sure this post would have a different ending. I thought you'd be going home with one of Tay's new puppies. If I lived nearby, I'd certainly be having one! The tangles are really neat in color.

    I miss large animals!

  2. Loooove the moose but loooove the PINK PINK PINK more! :)
