Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I Am Enough

I belong (subscribe to) several different things on the Internet, and one of them is a newsletter of sorts from a person claiming to be a Life Coach. I was particularly touched by a post about "I Am Enough"..... so I want to share it with you.

By Quinn Creative

We want to feel better than other people around us.  Which means we are allowing other people to determine who we are. Competition has made us this way--at school, we play competitive games and learn these rules as the rules of life. In the workplace, competition amps up and winning--the job, the house, the promotion--becomes the way we measure our satisfaction in ourselves. Among our friends, winning is getting the envious looks at the size 4 figure, the Prada bag, the BMW, the wealthy spouse. We define ourselves in the eyes of others. Nothing wrong with the Prada and the BMW, as long as you know they aren't you, and that if you lost them, you would still have the essential you.
It's easy to lose sight of, then forget, our own values, our own dreams, our own goals. We replace what our heart yearns for with the prize we want right now.
When our friends change, leave, move on to someone else, we again feel we are not enough. Right here is the critical moment of rationalization. We choose to work on ourselves, or we choose to work on our acquisitions.
The harder truth to cope with is that we are enough every day. Everyone fails, everyone does dumb things, everyone wishes they could take something back. The real success stories belong to the people who get up again. The ones who brush off their values and won't allow rationalization to tarnish them. Who push themselves to grow every day. To be enough every day.

Your "enough" can grow. That's the point. A real trick is to allow your friends to be Enough today and grow to be Enough tomorrow, too. Not your Enough, their Enough.  If last week's Enough feels tight, you have outgrown it. Luckily, Enough can grow with self-awareness.

I guess I have always worked a little harder than the person next to me because I never felt like I was "enough". It has not been appropriate thinking on my part and it has taken me a long time to get to this point where I understand that. Geezzzeee!!!! You would think that living 65 years would give me great insight into life and relationships and myself!!! No so, McGee!! It is only starting....Hells Bells!! I need to live a lot longer to get my act together?? 

My Love brought me a bouquet of yellow roses. The roses are tinged with a reddish orange and they are truely lovely. I have them in a tall vase and every time I look at them I am reminded of His love for me and of the beauty of flowers that come up through the earth. Flowers bring me so much pleasure and inner peace. Thank you, my Love!!


Since I will be showing at a men's store I have started doing some small, recognizable things that men like....I'm not sure....suggestions? What do you think men would like?
A Derringer.

Taxi Cab of sorts.
I hope you know that you are ALWAYS ENOUGH!!
Huggs to all, Janie


  1. I like your 'male' zentangles. How about wildlife silhouette zentangles... moose, bears, etc.

  2. Susan, Thank you for the great suggestion!!

  3. I love, love, love the taxi cab, complete with the a little "road" under its wheels. Motorcycles, work boots, a tie.

    Oh, a zentangle tie!!!!
