Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pot Holes?

 I had to drive to town today and we live about 18 miles outside of town. Our road is a country road, dirt and gravel and then it finally gets to the main road and of course, that's paved. But as I was driving down our road, I had to deal with three places on the dirt road that are full of terrible pot holes, some hidden by water, slush, and snow...while others are large and well defined. Sometimes no matter how carefully I drive, I hit one or more of those pot holes! 

Smooth, ice-free road!

Series of pot holes ahead!

Whoops! Big pot hole!!

So, I was thinking that life is a lot like driving down our dirt road right now. You can be going along, enjoying the smooth dirt road and the great view of spring in Alaska and all of a sudden the car is shaken up by one or more of those pot holes.....like problems in our lives. We can be going along just fine but we can't avoid them no matter how hard we try. The results? A really dirty car!!! 

And in life? Depression, anxiety, fear, anger, etc. I have been bothered by a lot of depression and anxiety this year and maybe that's why this all popped into my head. I thought it might be worth writing about, since this blog is mainly for me and my growth. I do hope that you, my readers, get a little something from my blog once in a while. 

While I'm on this whole "pot hole" thing....I want to thank you for reading "me", even if you aren't listed as a follower or don't leave a comment. It takes a little of the precious time we are each allotted in our day to do that and it means a lot to me....so THANK YOU!!

I hope that your days are not filled with very many pot holes and that the ones that you do encounter are not too messy and don't throw you around too much!!


Finding a new home for my guinea pigs. It is getting really difficult for me to take care of them so they are going to a new home. It will be sad to see them go but also a relief.


Happy Spring,


  1. Great analogy! It's good to not get stuck in the pot holes of life, for sure! Love the photos, Jane. I can hardly wait for your big trip ~ I think all the photos you are taking now will entice you to snap away at things you wouldn't have thought of before while you are on your trip. love, susan

  2. I think the majority of potholes we deal with here in Missoula are both mechanical AND maniacal! I have not necessarily influenced physiologically or psychologically by there presence and usually don't have to deal with a preponderance of them on my day-to-day home-to-work-to-home route, but others in our fair city seem not to be able to avoid them and end up filing suit with the city. Loath that a hapless individual finds themselves in the roadway in front of these types of drivers and they cannot slowdown or avoid them as well!!! For the most part, our potholes are not as 'messy' as yours and not leave our vehicles dirty, just damaged tires and suspensions....
    Sorry you have to part with your pets... Bummer.

  3. The potholes (both in life, and on the road) aren't favorites, but I look at them as a prelude to renewal. In life, we sometimes have to bottom out, before we can bounce back. And in spring, those holes can be filled with water that reflects blue skies and sunshine. Too bad our cars have to get so dirty though!

    I'm glad you were able to re-home your guinea pigs. It's never easy to say goodbye to loved fur members of the family, but I know you're relieved that they'll be cared for and loved.
