Monday, April 25, 2011

Some Things Just Aren't Fair!

OK, I have a rant....we have gone to many musical presentations by a concert association here in Fairbanks over the years. We love seeing and hearing good music of almost every kind. They have presented Celtic musicians and they have all been great and even had Garrison Keillor here, who is a great story teller. We have seen a large variety of groups and soloists. So we really have supported this association for a long time. 

This year the list of musicians/groups/acts that are being presented for next season do not in any way shape or form appeal to us. In fact, they all sound just about the same. I have no clue where they dug up these folks even though I'm sure they will appeal to someone. My problem is that they are also presenting k.d. lang and Lily Tomlin as separate "special events". The deal is that we cannot buy tickets to see these two special events if we don't buy a membership or a subscription! So I would have to pay out $431 for three tickets (and that is with senior prices too!)

Can you say RIP OFF??????.....anyway, I do NOT see k.d.lang or Lily Tomlin in my future. I just had to rant about this because it really has me perturbed. I know they need to make money somehow but couldn't they get more of a variety as they usually do? Thank you. That is all.


Getting a phone call from my youngest child, daughter Lisabeth. She is awesome and it brightened up my day to hear her voice.


This is a new one on brown paper (recycled and not very good quality) but I used two sizes of Micron pens - a dark brown - and water color pencils. Afterward, I used a water pen to go over the water color pencils and I think this will be good in the right frame. I added some white highlights but don't think this is my best work lately.....

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I believe in voting with your dollars. If enough people don't pay for the same concert(s) than it's a clear message the price is too high, or not what the majority want to pay for. If you feel this way, I'm betting you are not the only one...
