Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We Are Never Too Old.....

I have discovered we are never too old to enjoy "childhood" things, or at least things associated with being children. For instance, I have a long-standing collection of Boyd's Bears....and other bears that have been given to me. These also include mice and bunnies and other animals. Most of my bears are in a big box because I have never had a place to display them that the dog won't be able to reach. 

Recently I was looking, really "looking" at the things of comfort that I have displayed in my Studio. I was heartened to see that most things are my bears and animals. I thought I would share those little things here with you. Each year at Christmas I usually get a new bear or animal to add to the collection. The older I get the smaller they are but the more precious they seem to be. I hope you enjoy this small insight into what is known as "Jane".

White bear given to me by my husband and the duck was my mother's favorite animal when she was in her 70s.

Cat with one eye I fell in love with at a bazaar and the doll was made for me by a co-worker a long time ago.

This pig was sitting inside a Guinea Pig cage on Christmas morning 4 years ago,  letting me know I had a Guinea Pig coming too.

Two bears with a mouse between...all Boyd's. I love them.

A cute little critter I just received from Bailey's Furniture when we purchased a new mattress there.

Isn't this a face you could love????

A 2 1/2 hour nap!!! (on our new mattress)


This is something not quite finished but close. It is 16" x 20"....the largest I have ever done.

Some new designs that I'm trying to get better at. Largest I've ever worked on...NOT FINISHED YET!
Have a sun shining day....Janie

1 comment:

  1. Oh, let me name this tangle: Under the Sea

    I so love it!!!!

    Love the insight into Jane, too! (smiles)
