Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lights of the Far North

So, yesterday it was only -27 when I went to town. I went in for a baby shower, to pick up a blouse I had altered, and get my computer from being repaired. I was thinking how unique it is to live here. It doesn't seem to make any difference how cold it is, people still go to work, go shopping, and go to school.

There I was, driving down a road in town behind a long string of cars and in the sky, right in front of me was a sun dog. It was just beautiful. I was unable to see if there was one on the other side of the sun too. Usually there is one on each side of the sun. If you have never seen a sun dog...

A sun dog or sundog (scientific name parhelion, plural parhelia, from Greek parēlion, (παρήλιον), παρά(beside) + ήλιος(sun), "beside the sun"; also called a mock sun or a phantom sun) is an atmospheric phenomenon that creates bright spots of light in the sky, often on a luminous ring or halo on either side of the sun.

Sun dogs may appear as a colored patch of light to the left or right of the sun, 22° distant and at the same distance above the horizon as the sun, and in ice halos. They can be seen anywhere in the world during any season, but they are not always obvious or bright. Sun dogs are best seen and are most conspicuous when the sun is low.

Sun Dogs in North Dakota, same as I saw yesterday here in Fairbanks.

Also, there is this phenomena that when the atmospheric conditions are just right, all the lights (street lights, outdoor lights of all kinds) shine straight up in the sky. I don't know what this is called and I did a search on Wikipedia but couldn't find anything either. It's pretty awesome!

So, Here's wishing you all a safe, warm, and unusual day.


  1. When the street lights shine straight up, they're called light pillars. ( )

    The sun can send up a pillar if conditions are right too. (Called a sun pillar)

    I love sun dogs!

  2. thanks for the info on the light pillars! i think they are really cool too but the sun dogs fascinate me.

  3. Sun dogs, sun pillars, sun shine, SUN SHINE, SUN ANYTHING....Damn it!!!
    I may be closer to the banana belt than you are, sister, but not anywhere close enough!!
    I'm a motorcycle rider and still stuck in the depths of a Montana winter. Not a happy camper, no way...(sniff~~).

  4. Jane, I think you were the first person to ever tell me about sun dogs way back when I lived in Fbks. I'm with Frag ... give me any kind of sun right now and I'll take it. I'm missing Arizona. Go figure.
