Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Mystery of the Flowers

Have you ever received flowers? Have you ever given flowers? Flowers hold a special significance for me. i have no idea why.... i started a scrapbook of flowers...i have never seen a flower that i didn't just love!!

My favorite flower is a gardenia, which i used to order as a corsage for Christmas  every year. However, over the years i have also developed a love of the rose. i visited the Portland Rose Garden a few years ago and the roses there blew me away!! i take photos of ever flower i see.

At Christmas this year i received a small basket with evergreens and red roses in it. The mystery? i have no idea who sent them to me!! i have asked everyone i know and no one i know sent them to me. The florist was no help either!! Wow! You mean someone likes me enough to send me flowers? Someone who wants to remain anonymous?

i have always LOVED getting flowers...a single rose or a huge bouquet...it makes no difference really. It just makes me feel so special, so important somehow. And giving flowers! WOW!! i just love giving flowers to others. i send them to my sister-in-law...for her birthday, but i send them in the summer (6 months before/after her real birthday) because they arrive in a box and sit on her doorstep until she arrives home after work. she is always surprised and i love it!! i used to get roses for no particular reason on my way to work and make a small vase of flowers for each of my co-workers just to brighten their day. if i could afford it i would send flowers to all my friends on facebook on their birthdays!

my Love used to send me flowers to my work for Valentine's Day or my birthday. Everyone in the building knew about the flower delivery and people would come by all day just to smell and admire them. Once when we were separated (during our courtship) he left flowers on the top of my car on my birthday. That was something that i shall never, ever forget. It was raining out, but the flowers were so lovely and the little gift card held the promise of a bright future together.

Pansey photo from my flower scrapbook
The romance of flowers...what a glorious thing! Shakespear once said: OF ALL THE FLOWERS ME THINKS a ROSE IS THE BEST.

Rose from my surprise Christmas basket




  So i hope that you will remember that the giving and receiving of flowers holds special meaning for some of us...
Photo of flowers my Love gave me for our third wedding anniversary. He even remembered the color of my wedding flowers!!
May your day hold special "gifts"...

1 comment:

  1. P.S. I saw the moon on my way to work this morning and thought of you.
