Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Big Changes

It seems that I have come to a place in my life where I need to get rid of things...a lot of things. My therapist was horrified at first but now she understands that there needs to be a purging of unused items and that it will be a good thing. 

Box of Flowers of all kinds.
My studio has been uninhabitable for the past 5 months...and it has mostly been due to my being so depressed that I just tossed things or shoved things in there and shut the door. But what that has done is keep me from being as creative as I need to be. The Zentangles have saved me...but it's not quite enough. I also like to sew and have canvases that are hollering my name to put something on them! 

Grab Box of Scrapbooking Goodies.

So....the purging has started. The mess always gets worse before it gets better because you have to take out of one room and spread it around three other rooms before you know where anything goes. In my case I'm making 3 "piles":

1. To sell (putting books on Amazon, supplies on and If by spring I have stuff left, I'm having a craft garage sale.

2. To store - this is a hard thing because I am having difficulty figuring out what I want to keep but not be able to put my hands on it immediately. ~sigh~

3. To keep in my studio - this too is difficult because the reason I'm doing this is to make room in my studio for what I need AND have a place to work. I need better ambiance, so to speak. (giggle)

So right now there are piles everywhere and it's driving me crazy. Alan is keeping it together and not giving me a hard time about it with is so awesome!! I think He understands that this process is painful and needful and that it will end. IT WILL END!!! I just have all these other things that keep me from getting it appointment here and doctor appointment there, lunch with this person, a hair appointment, a dentist appointment, etc. ARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Box of Stickers.
Enjoy the sunshine wherever you are....and for my tangling friends, keep tangling!!

Blue 9-Square Zentangle.


  1. Thanks for keeping it real! It's hard to let go of stuff .... I suffer the same thing. I love that you made photos of your "process".

  2. What a huge project! Hang in there - the end is in sight and you'll feel so much better about your space and the creative "room" you'll have.
