Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bucket List

Did you see the movie "The Bucket List"? I did and I loved it. Ever since I saw it I have heard the phrase "Bucket List" pop up in conversations everywhere I have been. People started thinking about all the things they want to accomplish before they die. Some things on these lists include the almost impossible which other things are pretty simple to take care of.

So, I was thinking....dangerous thing, I know......about what's on my Bucket List: While this may not be my FINAL list, it is certainly something to think about.....So here goes..................................

1. Take cruise and European trip with my two daughters. (This will be completed, God/Goddess willing this coming August/September).

Norwegian Jade - Our Cruise Ship

2. Take a trip to Ireland/Scotland/England with my Love. 

3. Take a hot air balloon ride.

4. Participate in a Flash Mob Event - anywhere.   CLICK HERE

5. Be 135 pounds again.
Supposedly this runner is 135 pounds...but she is no 65 years old!!! LOL

6. Spend a week in Las Vegas, Nevada, doing EVERYTHING but gambling.

Architecture Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada

7. Have a professionally shot high fashion photo shoot.

8. Go to a live Bon Jovi Concert.....Well, maybe go to TWO live Bon Jovi Concerts.

My FAV Band of all time!!

9. See the Smithsonian Institute.

10. Direct a choir again. It was the thrill of my life and I long to do it again. 

OK, so I would love to hear what YOUR Bucket List is!!

Have a great day!


  1. Mine that come to mind are

    Spend a significant amount of time in
    Iceland and Machu Pichu.

    Spend ANY amount of time with the Dali Lama.

    Relax at Le Sirenuse in Positano, Italy

    Spend 1 hour with the love I've never stopped loving- not for any other reason then to feel the type of warm and fuzzy only he has ever given me when his eyes smile.

  2. Jane ... I can so see you accomplishing everything on this list. Hope you'll keep writing about it!!!


    P.S. My bucket list coming soon ....

  3. SuddenlySusan, i would LOVE to accomplish it all but i don't think it will happen...but i'll keep trying!!!!
